Welcome to lrnchemistry.org!

 This site is designed to present a menu of learning activities that one can access to build one’s understanding of chemical concepts. 

Each day’s assignment is given in class, described on this web site, and is due the next school day unless it is a laboratory investigation or other project.  Laboratory investigations and projects are worked on over a period of a number of days.  Any needed updates to an assignment are given through the Remind® app which all students are asked to use.

Except for laboratory related assignments, the core of the day’s assignment is to continue learning using this site’s guidance.

Assignments are to be written in your Agenda and should be numbered by Learning Activity Reference Number [from 1 to 176] and checked off, √, in the Agenda when finished.

  • Care for some music?  Click on the right pointing triangle below the heading of this page!
  • Though the Element song is a bit catchy, it and as a matter of fact, any interruption can be distracting, so a quiet place away from phones and electronics is recommended for studying.

  • To find the detailed description of each day’s learning activities on this site, first click on the course selection tab and then click on the course’s name.
  • Then use the Search box to search for of the particular home learning activity of interest to you using the Learning Activity number (LARN) for that day.  The first day of school, Tiger day, has LARN 000, the second day has LARN 001, and the last day of school has a LARN near 180.
  • This site is under re-construction; please be understanding about the continual improvements being made to help students.
  • Most improvements are editorial in nature and are meant to improve readability, or to improve usability by adding hot links.
  • Any actual assignment changes made after 5 PM are not due until the day after tomorrow.


Please use the account name and password assigned to you from the school district’s instructional technology department to log onto Infinite Campus and check your son or daughter’s progress especially after the middle of each marking period and at the end of each marking period.

Parents/guardians that have not received activation codes to enable them to log onto Infinite Campus should check the SPAM folder within their email account.  If an activation email has not been delivered, please Include your full name, address, phone number, and the name of students in your house in an email addressed to: MNCampusSupport@mnsd.org

  • When computers are in use, assignments should be started in class.
  • All assignments shown on www.lrnchemistry.org are due the next school day unless announced otherwise by the teacher in class or via the Remind® app.  So if an assignment is given as LARN 015, that assignment is due on the next school day, day 016.  Monthly calendars that link the learning activity reference number to the due date are given on the www.lrnchemistry.org web site under the Calendar menu.  The due date for core assignments are shown on Infinite Campus, the student information system for the Marple Newtown School District.


To sign up for a parent-teacher conference on a conference day, go to the Marple Newtown High School home page and in the Events column, scroll to find the date of the next scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences day.  Then click on the Parent-Teacher Conferences label to find out more information and to find a working link to the sign up web site.  Or try clicking on this link which might still work.

To sign up for a teacher conference on February 28, 2019, you may also click on this link to go directly to the form for your child’s chemistry teacher.


Please use your account name and password available from your high school librarian to log onto Infinite Campus to check your progress especially after the middle of each marking period and at the end of each marking period.

  • All documents referred to can be downloaded from your chemistry “Student Resources” folder in your Google Drive which is part of the MNSD Google Apps for Education.
  • Within the “Student Resources” folder many documents will be found in the “Handouts” subfolder, and the “How to Register with Selected Web Sites and Download/Install Software” subfolder.  The guided inquiry laboratory documents can be found in the Student Resources > Laboratory Activities > Honors Chemistry Guided Inquiries subfolder and in the Student Resources > Laboratory Activities > Honors Chemistry 4610 Required Laboratory Reports folder.
  • All assignments are due the next school day unless announced otherwise by the teacher in class or via the Remind© app.


  1.  One possibility to increase readability is to use key combinations (such as holding the CNTRL key down and repetitively pressing the + key down on PC’s) to toggle enlargement of the main text on the computer screen and key combinations (such as holding the CNTRL key down and repetitively pressing the – key down on PC’s) to toggle a reduction in the size of the main text on the computer screen.
  2.  A possibility for text within a downloaded document is to highlight the text and select a different font in a more readable size.  Use the changed document and save it for future reference.
  3. Another possibility to increase readability is to enable the assistive technologies available on most computer operating systems to magnify portions of a document being examined.